

Thank you for taking an interest in Cantorion. We hope that the information on this website is of interest to you.

We are always happy to receive messages and comments from all over the world.

Please feel free to add your comment at the bottom of the page


  1. I left North Wales in 2008 and went to live in South America. In 2012 i came to Australia and during the course of a normal days work I came across a truck driver who had links to the Algieri family in The Llanrwst area.
    We spoke several times by phone and the Colin Jones Singers were mentioned. I then went on your web site and was horrified to learn that George Bach had passed away after a long illness.
    I had heard of the Colin Jones Singers but had no idea you were North Wales based. It was nice to be home for a moment on your site.

    1. Bryn – nice to hear from you and we’re glad to hear that you enjoy our music. Yes, George Bach very sadly died a few years back and is dearly missed by all of us. His enthusiasm and passion for music was infectious and he’ll always be remembered as one of the choir’s characters. Please keep listening and logging on to our website from time to time to keep updated. Great to hear from you.

    2. Bryn – there is a video of the Llanrwst trio (of which George was a member) on youtube. They are singing “Standing somewhere in the shadows” I’m sure you will enjoy it – George was at the time receiving treatment for his illness.

  2. just wanted to say how much my wife and I enjoyed the concert at the house on Saturday night I am a member of Scunthorpe male voice choir and it made a nice change to be entertained rather than performing a great night was had by all in attendance keep up the great singing thankyou

    1. It was an excellent concert with an excellent audience. All the best to you and the Scunthorpe Male Voice Choir

  3. Just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the performances last night in Scunthorpe. We were all entertained with fantastic singing from the “guys” and a number of great jokes. Well done to all of you, your dedication and beautiful sound has given me the desire to sing more – whilst i could never do “My Way” the way Trebor did I will think of him when ever I hear that song. American Triology has also given me a happy feeling, driving home and listening to the CD has made me feel happy. I look forward to hearing you “live” again in the future.

  4. Just heard the choir for the first time at The House in Scunthorpe. Fabulous concert. Hope you return in the not too distant future.

  5. Hi there again, I’m back! I just wanted to say that the Auckland Welsh choir had our St David’s day concert today and at the end, when we stood and sung Hen Wlad, my eyes were tearing up. The raw passion I felt surging through my bones, the emotion and feeling I got, I only get with the Welsh National anthem. Pretty awesome considering I’m half Kiwi half Tongan with no Welsh blood in me whatsoever (although like I said previously, I believe I have a Welsh soul!). I hope the Cantorion Colin Jones and the whole of Wales had a great St David’s day. I’m still looking forward to my first one in Wales. I’m not sure when, but it’ll happen! Cymru Am Byth x

  6. It is a sad day in Ausstraila to day as my father Will Traws has passed away he loved his time with the choir and we have given him the best send off with all his much love Welsh music and he will be sadly miss To be born Welsh is a born privileged not with a silver spoon in your mounth but with music in your blood and poetry in your soul

    1. Best wishes to you and the family from all the members of Cantorion Colin Jones. Our thoughts are with you

  7. Although a relatively new listener to Cantorion their passion and emotive voices moves both me and my husband to tears – but these are happy tears. We wish you all the success you so deserve and look forward to hearing you when you visit Scunthorpe soon,as we cant wait to shed tears all over again!

  8. Hello there, my name is Pauline Potter. I’m a 14 year old Kiwi/Tongan from Auckland, New Zealand. I absolutely LOVE the Welsh. I love everything about Wales, the culture, the language, everything! I’ve been in the Auckland Welsh Choir for a year now, and it’s my dream to live in Wales when I’m older! The Welsh are gorgeous singers and it makes me so proud! I have no Welsh heritage whatsoever, but I feel a strong connection. I love Wales with all my heart, I feel as if I have a pure Welsh soul ♥ I’ll be there someday and I promise to come and watch the Cantorion Colin Jones. I love your choir, I love the music it’s stunning! I love listening to the blissful voices of the men, it’s intriguing and I could listen for hours. Remember me for the future, because I promise I will be there at one of your performances!

    Cymru Am Byth x

    1. Hi Pauline,
      Thank you for your wonderful message, we’re so glad you enjoy our music and culture. We will pin you kind words up on our notice board at our next rehearsal on Sunday. Please keep in touch. X

  9. The trio’s version of Danny Boy is the best I’ve ever hear. I am a huge fan and hope to see you live some day. Keep up the good work!

  10. I was just surfing the web after a rehearsal with the African American gospel group I sing with, when I chanced upon your soloist’s performance of You Raise Me Up. I am utterly enchanted – I simply must come to Wales to hear you!

  11. Congratulation on winning the male voice choir section at the Sligo International Choral Festival at the weekend. More inportant was the friendships developed between the Rosemount Male Voice Choir, Derry N, Ireland and your members. What a brilliant singsong in the bar later in the evening. Looking forward to listening to more of your wonderful music on youtube. We came second to an exceptionally good choir in yourselves. Best wishes to you all for the future and well done!!!
    From brothers Damien and Jimmy McAdams of the Rosemount Male Voice Choir. Hopefully our paths will cross in the future. Best wishes!!!

  12. Hogia – FFANTASTIC. Llongyfarchiadau ar y llwyddiant yn Sligo. Roedd y ddau ohonom yn disgwyl yn amyneddgar am newyddion a phan ddaeth y newydd drwy Dafydd, roedd y ddau ohonom yn dathlu efo chi mewn ysbryd ! Da iawn iawn. Dwi siwr fod ein cefndryd yn yr Iwerddon wrth eu boddau !! Ymlaen i’r nesa…..!!

  13. Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Aled, Olwen a’r Côr ar eich llwyddiant yn Sligo. Mae’n amlwg bod y gwaith caled wedi bod gwerth yr ymdrech.
    Fe fydd ambell’drip’ i’r Iwerddon(fydd wrth fodd nifer o’r côr !!!!!!!) wedi hyn, dwi’n siwr.
    Heartiest congratulations to Aled, Olwen and Choir on their success in Sligo. Obviously the hard work has been worth the effort.
    There will be a few ‘trips’ to Ireland (which will please a few choristers !!!!!!!!) after this, I’m sure.

    Hwyl John a Chris

  14. We have been attending the Sligo Choral Festival for several years and look forward to seeing you taking the first prize this year.

  15. when will the cd come out of the three Welsch singers singing Danny Boy I want to purchase this cd right away……………………..

  16. We have searched the internet & you get our vote for “Danny Boy”. What a wonderful talent.

  17. I was also listening to different versions of Danny Boy on you-tube and happened to listen to you’s. It brought tears to my eyes. You were definately the best one. Thank you so much for sharing.

  18. I just listened to Danny Boy on Youtube – beautiful. I would love to hear y’all sing Isle of Innisfree!!

  19. Danny Boy brings me to tears every time I hear it. How can three men bring such beauty to the world with one song?

  20. I came across the Danny Boy trio via YouTube on this St. Patrick’s Day and was moved to tears. After listening to other choir numbers and viewing your website, I’m now a fan. I’ve never had more than a mild interest in traveling abroad (I live in Virginia), but now I’d love to book a flight to visit North Wales just to sit in on a rehearsal! Thank you so much for the beautiful music.

  21. I found you on you-tube while searching for the perfect version of “Danny Boy” to post on my facebook page. Your trio version was the winner. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for such wonderful music.

  22. Family was from the Isle of Mann and Ireland. Your music nurishes my soul and takes me back to my roots. Please E-mail me when an album is available.

  23. Wow. That says it. Just-Wow.

    I would love to be notified when your CD is available. My email address is above. Please put me on any mailing list. I will try to watch for it on my own.

  24. to: Welsh Male Voice Choir
    Dear Sirs, on U-tube i found your beautiful version of ‘Nessun Dorma”
    I’m librarian and tenor in the Veldhovens Mannenkoor (male choir)In Veldhoven , the Netherlands and we are looking for an TTBB arrangent of Nessun Dorma,as we plan an opera highlights concert in november this year.
    So far I failed to find any arrangement available at various publishers.
    Assuming that yr chorus found an arr. somewhere, could you be so kind to inform us where we can purchase the sheetmusic for this arrangement for male chorus. It would help us a lot and I will be most obliged and greatfull if you can help us out.
    thanks in advance.

    PS: if it happended to be an arrangement specially made for your chorus I’m quite willing to pay you the legal fee to allow us to make 70 copies if that’s all right with you.
    I very much appreciate if you will let me know something./theo

  25. From the Upper Peninsula of Michigan –

    Methinks that your Danny Boy is indeed the best.

    The singers and the setting and the wonderful harmony add to the simple message. It brings tears every time. Thank you!

  26. Oh you sound so lovely! It gave me chills to hear you sing. What a wonderful version of a heartfelt song. Astounding, simply astounding!

  27. Thank you for this wonderful music. Danny Boy has always been a favorite. Thank you for doing this great song justice.

  28. Currently I do not have iTunes, so I will have to wait until you get your on-line store up. I do hope that the trio that is singing in the uTube video will be putting out a solo album of just them with no chorus backing them. Choral music is great, but I tend to like my music vocals made up of no more than four or five persons. I have some hearing loss and choirs tend to blend the notes together causing me to lose the word sounds in the music.

  29. Wedi mwynhau’r cyngerdd yn y Galeri, Caernarfon yn fawr iawn ! Edrych ymlaen i’ch clywed yn fuan eto a clywed y CD newydd !

  30. Just happened to spot the Danny Boy trio and cried “with joy” Did you ever make the cd guys. If you are ever in Brisbane Australia let me know!

  31. Noson ardderchog yn Galeri Nos Sadwrn yng nghwmni’r Cantorion. Cynhesrwydd a chyfoeth tôn y côr yn arbennig. Edrychwn ymlaen yn eiddgar at fwy eto i ddod

  32. Wedi bod yn y Galeri yn Gaernarfon neithiwr – nid oedd y cor i gyd yno, ond oeddach dal yn wych!! Noson ddifyr ofnadwy – nid jest y canu ond oedd ‘y stand up comedian’ yn wych hefyd!! Edrych ymlaen i’ch gweld rywle eto yn y dyfodol agos!! Pob lwc i chi gyd xx

  33. I also drooled over Danny Boy on Youtube, the only really good performance I’ve ever found.

    I came onto this site looking for more. The choir is great but PLEASE PLEASE do something about the recording quality – you aren’t doing yourselves justice. And I do love North Wales.


  34. Tremendous harmony, Gentlemen. If you ever get anywhere west of Memphis, Tn. I can guarantee a solid gig on short notice. Thanks,
    Sam Beeman

  35. As sponsors of the Concert at Whittington Parish Church, on Saturday 21st May, we have had 100’s of compliments about the standard of the Concert provided. Almost certainly the best Male Voice Choir in the World!
    John Hughes

  36. What can I say. We came to see you at Whittington Church last night, the first time to go and listen to a choir and Oh boy we thoroughly enjoyed it. You brought a tear to my eyes also a big smile to my face. Looking forward to seeing you again.

  37. Like one of the earlier contacts, I found a link to you via a trio of welsh men singing Danny Boy. It is the best I have ever heard, is the choirs music for sale anywhere?

    Mark Osborn

  38. Greetings. I’m a musician back here in the US and absolutely LOVE your music. I wish you would come here and perform. I was fortunate enough to be traveling about the UK several years ago and spent a few days in Wales. The country is beautiful, the people splendid and the music sublime.


    1. Thank you for your kind comments Jordan. We look forward to hearing from you soon and please keep in touch.

  39. John, ar ran Mike a finnau, dim ond gair bach i ddweud diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am y croeso neithiwr. ‘Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi eich amser ac amynedd hefo ni! Wnes i a Mike fwynhau y sesiwn yn fawr iawn, gan ddysgu cyn gymaint mewn cyn lleied o amser. Roedd hi’n bechod bod yn rhaid mynd adref!! Pob hwyl i’r cor yn Aberystwyth.

  40. greetings. I was looking on utube and came upon the most beautiful arrangement of Danny Boy that I have ever heard. Is there a way I could purchase the the music for this beautiful trio? A huge well done for the gentlemen singing this song. Please write me an email and let me know if getting the arrangement is possible. Sincerely, William Sveglini

  41. Gwefan ardderchog. Falch o weld fod ‘Mr Secretary’ yn ennill ei ‘gyflog’. Canu yn ddymunol iawn hefyd, a bron cystal ag amryw i gor lleol arall.

  42. Wedi mwynhau gweld a darllen y wefan newydd. Mae’r safon yn wych, yn union fel canu’r Cantorion! Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at eich gweld yn fuan mewn cyngerdd eto.

    Pob dymuniad da

  43. Whenever we feel we are missing Wales, we play all your music. Favourites are the Trio. We love Danny Boy, and the love songs. I must say that this happens every week.

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